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Legend has it that the National Basketball Association established rules for professional players in the 1980s that prohibited them wearing other colors than those on their team uniforms.Omega fake Watches Also, their shoes had to contain a certain percentage white.

In 1984, Chicago Bulls rookie shooting guard jersey number 23 stepped onto the court wearing a pair of black and red sneakers with minimal white. The NBA Commissioner David Stern issued a brief warning to the player.

These shoes were a prototype version of the Nike Air Ship. They were designed by Peter C. Moore,Rolex Replica Watches a sportswear brand. Custom made for Michael Jordan.

David Stern's letter to Nike about Jordan's prototype shoes.

Michael Jordan in 1985 Dunk Contest wearing the Air Jordan 1. Image via Getty/Andrew D. Bernstein

Some versions of this story say that Michael was fined $5000 if he wore the prototype after the warning was issued. Michael apparently continued wearing his custom sneakers on court, defying the commissioner. Nike paid the fine.
The last part of the story could have been a marketing stunt that has become part of the legend. It is clear that the prototype pair went on to be the Air Jordan 1. Nike continues to make the Jordan 1 in many variations,Breguet Replica Watches with sneakerheads and Jordan fans clamoring for every new version.

Why is the Air Jordan 1 and the entire Air Jordan lineage so popular today? The answer is simple: nostalgia. This is the generation that grew up with Michael and dreamed of being "just like Mike" when they grew up, and who now have the freedom to follow their sneaker dreams.

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Today, a parallel can be drawn in the universe watches with an icon which also happens to be a creation from the 1980s: The CasioOmega Replica Watches DW-5500C, the very first in a lineage of the toughest watches in the world,Omega Replica Watches created by the legendary Kikuo Ibe.
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